Thursday, February 19, 2009

Thursday Feb 19, 2009

I am tired today. I was so tired last night and ready to sleep. I went to bed around 11 and woke up at 1 am completely drenched in my own sweat. I stripped completely and moved to an unsoaked part of the bed and fell asleep. At 5-6 am, again I woke up soaked. Moved to another spot in the bed and fell asleep again. I awoke at 8:45 am to Noah barking outside.

I jumped up as I thought James had forgotten to take our son to school (well that he overslept or something). Nope, they had a 2 hour delay due to the snow.

I feel like I keep forgetting to breathe today. Like every so often, my lungs will expand and take in a big breath of air. It may be air hunger (a symptom of Babesia). My neck was also sore and stiff this morning.

I would really like to just lay in bed and watch movies all day, but cannot with the kiddos. I really need to clean my house and finish the laundry.

ugh.. this getting well business was so much easier when I was 18 because my mom did the household stuff and I had no kids to care for. Getting well is a bigger incentive now though because of my babies.

I've also had this symptom for a few months occassionally of walking and feeling like the floor is moving under me. It's very bizarre. I hope to ask my new LLMD about that next month. I wish my appointment was sooner. Maybe I will call the office and make sure they know I am ready and willing to see him sooner if possible!

Supposedly my bloodwork may be ready tomorrow from the hospital. I plan to call to see if it's all in or not. If it is, then that is fantastic. I'm very eager to see how it is, how it's changed since my Oct bloodwork in the ER and to see the Rheumatoid factor and inflammatory responses. I've never had those taken/measured.

Some days like today when I feel so crappy, I wonder if I will make it until March 12. I know that I have felt this bad or worse over the years, but it still stinks and makes me worry.

Well, I really need to try to do something. The dizziness makes it so hard. I need to keep drinking water too, I often forget and since I lost a lot of fluid last night, my urine was very dark and sparse this morning.


  1. Looks like you may have babesia with those night sweats...

    Those neuro symptoms you are describing, like feeling like the floor is moving underneath you when you walk... I have been dealing with those symptoms since day one of this... My neuro stuff is the worse for me.

    I also have constant head pressure, feel like I am always on an elevator, like constant movement. Sometimes I feel like there are strings connected to my head pulling me down or in certain directions. My brain also feels swollen too which makes all the neuro stuff worse. My neuro stuff is so crazy it is hard to out into words. Stores are the toughest for me becasue my neuro falres so badly and I feel like I could just pass out.

    It is hard with kids. Today I am not feeling evry good. I always get worse around my periods... my fiance has to work and here I am in bed with a 23 month old running all over the place...

    I hope you start to feel better soon!!

  2. Hi Shandy,

    I was thinking Babs too maybe. My Igenex were negative, but electrodermal testing positive. Yes, the pressure is one of the worst things. I hate tht!

    I understand about the kids...I'm lucky because I have a 2 and 5 year old at home (both girls), so sometimes they will play together and while I can't sleep, I can sit/lay down and watch them.

    I hope you are feeling better too!
