Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Well, this will be short because it's getting late and I have kids to get ready for bed. I've started to have difficulty swallowing again. This evening I nearly choked on dinner. It's so frustrating. This was one of my first major symptoms which started I believe in Dec 1996. It went away after about a year, but came back in November 2003, and did not go away until 2006 some time.

It's been intermittent since. It is so frustrating to fear eating. It feels like my throat becomes paralyzed and it just won't work.

I am very curious to see what my new LLMD thinks about this symptom.

I also have been having some more heart palps again. Ugh!!

Well, I need to get the kiddos ready for bed!


  1. Found your blog from a link on lymenet. I'm a mom also to two kids (infected also) and was just diagnosed this past year after 20+ years of undiagnosed lyme.

    Also have babesia and bartonella as well.

    I can really relate to what you say in your blog. I also have a fear of meds.

    Good luck with your upcoming appt.

  2. Hi,

    I'm so sorry that you are sick and your babies! I think it is SO hard to know that your kids have it too (we just got our son's blood drawn today for Igenex, I am sure he has it).

    I'm glad that I'm not the only one afraid of meds! I feel ridiculous because I've given MANY IV abx to tiny preemies in my life and they've all been fine, not sure where my disconnect is, probably the Lyme in my brain, lol!!

    Anyhow, I look forward to seeing you on LN!!!
